*First and Last Name
Postal/ZIP Code
*E-mail address
*Re-enter E-mail address
Benefits of Membership
- Membership is free, but not automatic. Your application will be reviewed for accuracy and completeness before approval.
- Members gain online access to "String Figure of the Month" video clips.
- Members gain online access to back issues of our printed publications (Bulletin and Magazine)
- Members gain online access to our final revision of Jenness's Eskimo String Figures.
- Members gain online access to our membership list, which includes contact information.
- Members gain online access to selected items from the ISFA archives.
Conditions and Restrictions
As a member of the ISFA I understand that all descriptions, instructions, videos, and illustrations posted on our website are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without permission from the ISFA. I understand that my name, city, country, and e-mail address will be shared with other members but no one else. I agree not to share usernames and passwords with non-members (rather, I will encourage them to become members).
* I accept these conditions and restrictions
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submit your application.