String Figures: E-mail discussion group

ISFA member Will Wirt is the moderator of an e-mail discussion group devoted to string figures, launched in September of 1997. In December of 1999 the group moved to a new server. Instructions for joining the new discussion group are given below. You need not be a member of the International String Figure Association to participate.

Dear string figure enthusiast:

ISFA has an e-mail mailing list for string figure enthusiasts. If you are interested in joining the list just send an empty e-mail to

Possible topics for discussion are: comments or questions about articles in the bulletin or magazine, requests for help in forming or describing particular figures, and descriptions of favorite or newly discovered or invented figures. If you have any problems with the list, e-mail me at

Will Wirt
Port Angeles, Washington

Last updated December 19, 1999
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