Links to Other String Figure Web Sites
On line instructions
- How to play cat's cradle
- WWW collection of favorite string figures: Includes video clips.
- Jacob's Ladder: Animated lesson.
- The Survival, Origin, and Mathematics of String Figures: Includes a topological analysis of string figures, a list of museums with string figure artifacts, and a collection of 21st century figures.
- James Murphy's "Torusflex" website.: Includes math articles published in Bulletin of the ISFA, photos of La Guardia High School students making string figures, and links to youtube videos of the author making string figures.
- Philip Noble's "Visual Stories" channel on YouTube features Papua New Guinea string figure videos.
- Joseph D'Antoni's channel on YouTube features several high definition string figure videos, including an excellent performance of Jenness's "Little Dog with Big Ears".
- Tom Yamashita's ayatori channel on YouTube features over 100 string figure videos with commentary in Japanese.
- Myriam Namolaru's channel on YouTube features over one-hundred string figure videos. Many of these show how to make string figures that were published in "String Figure Magazine" and "Bulletin of the International String Figure Association."
- Karl Schaffer, who specializes in multiperson polyhedral string figures, has posted 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 videos on YouTube.
- Brazilian entertainer Rodrigo Libanio Christo sings cute little songs in Portuguese while making string figures on YouTube.
- Keiichiro Ishino's ayatori website currently contains more than 500 beautiful photos of finished string figures from around the world. Instructions for making each figure are in Japanese and a reference of the source of each figure is given.
- The String Figures of Malawi - In this nicely edited half-hour film children from villages around Kazumu Academy make string figures that illustrate aspects of their daily life in Malawi.
- The World of Pattern String Figures by Hiroshi Hasagawa is a fascinating exploration of how to create new complex intricate designs by combining the procedures for making previously published geometric patterns. An illustrated inventory of his new creations is also posted.
- Neil Parker's string figures website, which includes instructions for making most of the designs in Jayne's Finished-Pattern-Only Figures from Chapter IX of her classic String Figures.
- Naoki Kato's string figures channel on YouTube has more than 40 video clips and includes instructions for making the Nauruan classic Egattamma.
- "Toby in Dreamtime" is a storytelling film by Tim Kennedy. The story line and photos of the 49 string figures featured in "Toby in Dreamtime" first appeared in Vol. 6 (1999) of "Bulletin of the International String Figure Association."
Telling Stories with String
Sources of string loops
Master list
Last updated January 28, 2025
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