String Figure Magazine
Table of Contents - Volume 1, number 1 (March 1996) - 24 pages
- Getting Started - fingers, loops, strings, and commands (pages 1-3) - an introduction to words and symbols commonly used in string figure instructions.
- A Waterhole (pages 4-5) - collected by Daniel Davidson from the Wardaman people of the Northern Territory, Australia.

- Snake Climbing a Tree (pages 6-9) - collected by C.L.T. Griffith from the Twi-speaking people of Ghana, Africa.

- Sneezing (pages 10-11) - collected by Julia Averkieva from the Kwakiutl people of Vancouver Island, Canada. This is an action figure. The central vertical loop pops up through the small hole near the bottom of the figure as the maker says "Ah...choo!"

- A Bird's Nest (pages 12-15) - collected by E. Evans-Pritchard from the Azande people of the Sudan, Africa. One of many three-dimensional string figures.

- A House (pages 16-18) - invented by Joseph D'Antoni, Queens, New York. This is a variation of the Oceanic figure "Two Chiefs."

- An "X" (pages 19-24) - invented by Yukio Shishido, Kyoto, Japan. Mr. Shishido is famous for his geometric designs.

- Resources (inside back cover) - learning more about the string figures in this issue.
- A Word about String... (inside back cover) - recommended string types and loop sizes; how to join the ends without using a knot.
Last updated April 2, 1997
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