String Figure Magazine
Table of Contents - Volume 1, number 4 (December 1996) - 24 pages
- Getting Started - fingers, loops, strings, and commands (pages 1-4) - an introduction to words and symbols commonly used in string figure instructions.
- The Moon Gone Dark (pages 5-7) - collected by William A. Cunnington from the Marungu people of Zaire, Africa. This short series portrays a total eclipse of the moon. First, "Full Moon" is made (left). Then "Full Moon" is converted into "Moon Gone Dark" (right). The second figure resembles the first, but is not as round, thus symbolizing darkness.

- Sewing Machine (pages 8-9) - collected by H.R. Haefelfinger from a school girl of Basel, Switzerland. This is a splendid action figure! The central V-shaped loop represents the needle of the sewing machine. To make the needle bob up and down, the forearms are pivoted rapidly (left and right images).

- Wheelbarrow (pages 10-12) - invented by Carey C.K. Smith, Stratford, New Zealand. This is a wonderfully realistic three-dimensional figure. Shown here are a side view (left) and top view (right).

- Erupting Volcano (pages 13-16) - collected by Raul Martinez-Crovetto from the Araucano people of Northern Patagonia, Argentina. This is another three-dimensional figure (two views are shown here). The twisted loops emanating from the cone represent smoke.

- Two Women Cook Cabbage (pages 17-20) - collected by Christa de Coppet from the 'Are 'Are people of the Solomon Islands. The central diamond represents the cooking pot. The vertical loops on either side represent the two women.

- A Dog With Large Ears (pages 21-24) - collected by Diamond Jenness from the Copper Eskimos of Canada. Drawing by Joseph D'Antoni, Queens, New York. To make the dog run, the maker pulls on the strings held by the right hand. The dog then slides to the left along the frame strings.

- Resources (inside back cover) - learning more about the string figures in this issue.
Last updated April 2, 1997
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