The Bluejay

Collected by Julia Averkieva from the Kwakwaka'wakw (Kwakiutl) of Vancouver Island, Canada. According to local tradition all people are derived from animal spirits living in the sky. This figure represents Bluejay Woman, who lives in the doorless supernatural house of the son of the Sun. After treating male visitors to dried berries, she eats their pupils and sucks their brains out.

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Step 2 - L345, from below, removes the L1 loop, closing former L1n to the palm.

R2 rotates a half turn away from you so that its tip points down; at this point both R2 strings run vertically behind the L345 loop.

L1, through L345 loop from the fingertip side, picks up the string that runs directly from R2 to L2.

Release R2 loop and L345 loop, and extend until a "knot" forms near the L palm.