Sacred Circle

A contemporary string figure created by a Native American faithkeeper. Sacred Circles, Mandalas, Medicine Wheels: all are symbols of wholeness and the infinite. To Native Americans, a Sacred Circle represents the togetherness of people who sit around a campfire. It symbolizes the sun, the moon, and the paths they travel in the sky. It reminds us that the seasons and life itself are never ending cycles.

<Full-length video in Windows Media Player>

Step-by-Step Video Clips
Written Instructions

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  all

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Step 4 - 3 and 4 pass towards you under 4f, 3f, and 2f (but over all other intermediate strings).

3 and 4 trap lower 1f between them (3 above and 4 below).

3 and 4 draw the trapped string away from you under 2f, 3f, and 4f; as 3 and 4 return to an upright position the trapped string becomes an upper loop on 4.

5, from below, removes the upper 4 loop to create an upper 5 loop; flex hands to evenly distribute the strings.

Note: If the 2, 3, and 4 loops are moved toward the tip of each finger and you are very dexterous, you can replace step 4 with "5, from below, through 4 loop, 3 loop, and 2 loop, picks up lower 1f and returns".