Bridge Series

Collected by Will Wirt from the people of Lhasa, Tibet. The Bridge Series consists of seven figures: Bridge, Turtle, Rubber Band, Fish, Chopsticks, Scissors, and Umbrella.

<Full-length video in Windows Media Player>

Step-by-Step Video Clips
Written Instructions

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Step 10 - Insert L3, from above, into the space between the R2 and R3 loops; insert L2 into the R2 loop so that both fingers point in the same direction; insert L4 into the R3 loop so that both fingers point in the same direction.

Raise R2 and R3, along with their loops, up and over the L hand, then release both loops, allowing them to hang down along the back of the L hand.

With R2 hook down the loose single L palmar string, drawing it out to its full extent.

You have "Umbrella", the last figure of the series.