String Figure of the Month Logo

This site combines text-based instructions with video clips (.wmv files). It is best viewed with Internet Explorer. To view the video clips you must have Windows Media Player installed on your PC. Firefox/Safari running on a Windows platform requires a plug-in. Mac users must download and install Windows Media Player for Mac or Flip4Mac. String figure terminology is explained here.



Eye of the Bay Duiker

Eye of the Bay Duiker

Snowshoe Hare

Snowshoe Hare

The Moon

The Moon

Laundry on a Clothesline

Laundry on a Clothesline

The Pleiades

The Pleiades

Flint and Steel (3-diamonds)

Flint and Steel (3-diamonds)

Bucking Bronco

Bucking Bronco

A Fish on Wood

A Fish on Wood

A Flying Crane

A Flying Crane

A Female Eel

A Female Eel

Launching a Rocket

Launching a Rocket

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