1, 2, and 3-step Ladders

A contemporary string figure series created by Kyoko Ando of Utsunomiya, Japan. In Japan and elsewhere, diamond string figures often represent ladders. A good example is the 4-diamond figure known as "Jacob's Ladder" in America.

<Full-length video in Windows Media Player>

Step-by-Step Video Clips
Written Instructions

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12  all

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Step 9 - 3 hooks up the string that forms the upper outer side of its respective diamond, releasing its own loop in the process.

5, over 3f, picks up the transverse string that runs from one palmar string to the other.

Release the loop on 1 and extend.

You now have the same string configuration you had at the end of Step 6.