Two UFOs

A contemporary string figure created in 1981 by Yukio Shishido of Kyoto, Japan. A new ending ("Light trail left by two speeding UFOs" followed by "Two UFOs disappear") was added by the creator in 2012.

<Full-length video in Windows Media Player>

Step-by-Step Video Clips
Written Instructions

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  all

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Step 5 - At this point the figure consists of two diamonds, each divided in half by two parallel transverse strings that run from palm to palm; one passes under the central "X" while the other passes over the central "X".

2, from the near side and with the help of 3, picks up the transverse string that passes under the central "X", then 2 hooks up the transverse string that passes over the central "X", rotating toward you and up as it returns (the first transverse string slips off in the process).

Extend in three dimensions by separating 1, 2, and 5 as widely as possible. You have "Two UFOs".