The Pleiades

Collected by Chang Whan from the Karajá Indians of Brazil. The Pleiades or "Seven Sisters" is an open star cluster in the constellation Taurus. Nearly all ancient cultures had a unique name for it and an associated body of folklore. In Japan it was known as Subaru. Today the cluster appears in the automaker's corporate logo.

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Step 4 - 1, passing under the lower and upper 2 loops, enters the 5 loop from the distal or "fingertip" side, then passes up behind the lower 2 loop and enters the upper 2 loop from below.

1 hooks down upper 2f, drawing it down through the 5 loop until 1 is below 5f, then 1 picks up 5f, drawing it through the 1 loop, which slips off as 1 returns.