A Flying Crane

A contemporary string figure created by Kazuo Kamiya of Saitama, Japan. In Japanese art and literature the red-crowned crane (tsuru) is a symbol of good fortune, longevity, peace, honor, and loyalty.

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Step 3 - R2 and R3 trap double R1n; L2 and L3 trap the double oblique string that runs from the double L palmar string to the center of double 1n; 2 and 3 of each hand rotate away and up to place the trapped double string on the back of 2.

Release double R1 loop and double L1 loop but do not extend.

L1 re-enters its former double loop from the opposite side and returns to an upright position by rotating toward you and up; R1 enters the double L1 loop from below and returns to the right (L1 and R1 now share a double loop).