A Flying Crane

A contemporary string figure created by Kazuo Kamiya of Saitama, Japan. In Japanese art and literature the red-crowned crane (tsuru) is a symbol of good fortune, longevity, peace, honor, and loyalty.

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Step 6 - R5, passing under intermediate strings and through the double L1 loop from below, removes the double L2 loop from above and returns through the double L1 loop.

Press the tip of R5 against the R palm; extend with arms pointing away from you to reveal "A Flying Crane". The loop encircling the double R1 loop represents the crane's head; the double L5 loop represents its long legs; the central inverted triangle represents its body and the two upright triangles that flank it represent its outstretched wings.

If desired, arrange the pattern to lengthen the crane's neck.